Creating a Meditation Space
Creating a meditation space.
Creating a meditation space in your environment is a gift you can give yourself. People find that meditation becomes their sanctuary. It is personal, private, and sacred. Choose a spot that is out of the normal hustle and bustle of the day-to-day if possible.
People often choose their bedroom, a spare room, or a home office to create a meditation corner. If that is not available, it may be an opportunity to at least get the cooperation of others to respect your “time-out” in ways that make it possible for you to meditate.
Consider adding plants when creating a meditation space.
It is also a good practice for there to be a point of focus for the practice. Many people create their own personal meditation altar. On it you could put something from your religious or spiritual tradition like a picture, image or statue. Or it could simply be a candle, a geometric form or a crystal. The important thing is that the object, whatever it is, symbolizes your notion of your own higher wisdom or spiritual nature.
As such, this place becomes your temple, your sanctuary. Keeping it clean, and neat also adds to its ability to be conducive to quiet reflection.
‘Real’ Meditation Spaces
We asked our meditation facilitators and class participants to share photos of their meditation space and to share what made their space sacred to them. Check out our gallery of meditation spaces.

I keep it simple. No distractions. My altar is just below my vision board. I like that the two are visually close. Keeps me focused and in the moment for the day ahead. - Linda

This is a sacred space for me, not only because I meditate here everyday but because it’s where I meet with clients when we meet in person. There are windows on each side opening to the beauty of nature and inside, I’m surrounded by bookcases of my treasured books. During the winter, I love to have a fire in the fireplace, especially in the pre-dawn mornings. The chair fits me like a glove (it reminds me of a baseball glove!). During meditation and while meeting with clients, I always have the candle lit in the middle of the table, and my favorite fragrance oil, nag champa, warming in the diffuser. I also try to keep fresh flowers on the table at all times. . - Jana Rentzel, Dallas, TX
My altar has several Buddhist aspects such as the pictures of various Buddhas, offerings of water, incense and light. There are several sacred objects honouring the lineage of my teachers and precious gifts to me. What makes my altar sacred to me though is that it has become over several years a focal point of the energies of my meditation practice, a physical space dedicated to my most Divine inner relationship. I find keeping it tended well with mindful cleaning, fresh flowers etc makes a difference to my joy and love in meditation practice. - Justine

My meditation space is in our upstairs loft. One of the things that makes it special is the stairs leading up to it. As I go up the stairs, I consciously release the activities of the day and begin to look forward to meditating. All the items in the space are special for different reasons. The table/altar has a mandala mosaic created by my sister, the shawl was made by a dear friend and the little tree was a gift from my granddaughters - Deb, Boston, MA

My meditation chairs. - Lois, Victoria

My meditation altar. - Lois, Victoria

I love to mediate in the morning sun. - Sandy

I created a meditation spot in the floor of our family room. - Donna

I love to meditate outside and feel the sun on my skin, so I move my spot outside whenever the weather is warm. - Isabella