Our Meditation Facilitators

The Inward Bound Network team facilitators are experienced meditation teachers who bring a vast array of talents, specialties and backgrounds. All of our meditation facilitators and support staff are dedicated meditation practitioners who volunteer their time.

Laurie Ferreri, Meditation Facilitator

Laurie Ferreri, Meditation Facilitator


Laurie Ferreri

For over 30 years I have provided counseling to clients for improving mental health, overcoming addictions and health issues. I hold a Masters degree in Counselor Education from New York University (1987), am a Licensed Professional Counselor (in Virginia and DC) and am board certified by the National Board of Certified Counselors. I also received training in personal coaching through the Institute for Life Coach Training (2001) helping people achieve their personal and professional goals. I studied Internal Family Systems with Richard Schwartz, Ph.D. (Level 3 - 2015) and use this wonderful modality to help people find internal peace and freedom.

I have practiced meditation since the early 1990’s and energy healing (Reiki Master level, Esoteric Healing Level 4). I have been leading meditations for world peace in the Ageless Wisdom tradition for many years. I became certified as a HeartMath Practitioner for Stress, Anxiety and Self-Regulation.

Currently, I have a private psychotherapy practice and facilitate meditations on the Inward Bound Network and in the community of DC. My goal is to bring all that I’ve learned about psychology, wellness, healing and spirituality into my work.

I love helping people learn self-care skills to have more internal harmony, cope with stress and build resilience while engaging the higher self using the many modalities I have studied and practiced.

Location: Washington D.C., USA

Live Meditation Classes:
Healing Meditation for Wellness

Guided Meditations:
5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation
Crystal Cave Healing Meditation
End of Year & New Beginnings Meditation
Gratitude for Mother Earth Meditation
Gratitude Sleep Meditation
The Healing Tree Meditation
Heart Coherence Meditation
Heart Petal Meditation
Inner Child Meditation
Inner Smile Meditation
Loving Kindness
Meditation on Joy
Meditation on Spring
Meditation on Transforming Fear
Peace Meditation
Temple of Healing Meditation
Torus Movement Meditation
True Self Meditation

Additional Info:
Website: lifebalancecoaching.net


Tom Fox, Meditation Facilitator


Tom Fox

I was first introduced to meditation and Buddhist concepts in 1967 when I encountered the teachings of Lucille Schaible in the form of The Nature of the Soul class that was being taught by one of her students. I finally met Lucille in 1975 and became her student until she died in 1984.

Since then I have received teachings from various Tibetan teachers including Khenpos Tsewang Dongyal and Palden Sherab, Shenpen Dawa Rinpoche and Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche among others. I am currently a member of the Yeshe Khorlo Buddhist group based in Bhutan, with their center in Crestone, Colorado.

My professional career has been in the field of psychology and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Colorado. I have worked in various settings, including hospitals, residential treatment centers, schools, prisons and jails. Along with my counseling activities I introduced meditation to inmates in the prison system.

I live in the mountains of Colorado and enjoy hiking, skiing, playing my guitar and writing songs. I have two grown sons and one grandson. I was married to a wonderful woman who passed away in June of 2020. Since then I have devoted more and more time to meditation and studying Buddhist texts, which has helped me greatly with this transition in my life.

Location: Denver, CO, USA

Live Meditation Classes:
Tibetan Buddhist View and Meditation

Justine Hall, Meditation Facilitator

Justine Hall, Meditation Facilitator


Justine Hall

Through the Inward Bound Network I offer ‘Decluttering with Mindfulness’ classes.

Six years ago, I discovered “The Life Changing Magical Art of Tidying”, a book by Marie Kondo and over the following two years applied the method and principles to declutter my life and complete my own “Kon-Mari”. I found there was an alignment with this decluttering process and the spiritual wisdom teachings that I also practice.

The Kon Mari method applied with mindfulness can be a powerfully transformative step in creating a more joyful life. The focus of the ‘Decluttering with Mindfulness’ class is on shifting the inner causes of clutter and transforming our relationship with our things. To support others on their tidy journey I offer classes in person, online workshops, ongoing groups and personal coaching. I continue to learn and expand my understanding of the deeper implications of living a decluttered life, in my home, local community and for our planet.

My life is also dedicated to being a parent, a group and organizational facilitator, educator and guest speaker within the disability inclusion community. I am currently home-schooling two of my children and our cheeky border collie pup.

Location: Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Live Meditation Classes:
Decluttering with Mindfulness

Catrine Lesage, Meditation Facilitator

Catrine Lesage, Meditation Facilitator


Catrine Lesage

I began my meditation experience in 1988 as a practice for self-healing and stress relief. I learned from direct experience how applying the techniques of mindfulness and visualization worked to introduce me to my own inner resources.

I started meditation sessions for others in 2006 while working at a retreat centre for health and wellbeing. I was also working there as a massage/Bowen therapist and Reiki practitioner. Being involved in the healing arts compliments my personal approach to helping others learning how to practice meditation. The classes I offer on the IBN network are mainly focused on teaching small groups. I present the methods of meditation practice in a nondenominational setting and my classes are generally in French, my native language.

While working with others I draw upon my extensive life and professional experience to provide a safe and nurturing environment.

Location: Grenoble, France

Méditations en français
Relaxation et méditation de pleine conscience, Trouvez Votre Sanctuaire Intérieur

Visit/Visiter notre page Facebook:

Hadassah Lily, Meditation Facilitator

Hadassah Lily, Meditation Facilitator


Hadassah Lily

I was first formally introduced to the practice of meditation during my training as a Yoga Teacher in 2003. The first thing I noticed, when I began learning to meditate, was just how busy my mind was. It was overwhelming, like I had just woken up in the middle of a highway. And then of course came the immediate thought, “I can’t do this, my mind is too busy.” Regardless, I began an active search during that decade to learn more about meditation. The search was fruitful, and by 2010 I had completed the Advanced Teacher Training in the New Thoughtform Presentation of the Wisdom written by Lucille Cedercrans Schaible.

Later, I began teaching meditation alongside weekly yoga classes, and then when I went back to teaching children, I incorporated this practice into my Early Years Classroom and daily routine. Now, I practice Creative Counselling using Expressive Therapies with a focus on adolescents, children and families.

I also work with adults and run Wellbeing workshops and meditation courses online.

Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia

Live Meditation Classes:

Additional Info:
Instagram: Hadassah.stillsmallvoice
Facebook: Hhadassah.stillsmallvoice

Teresa Micallef

Teresa Micallef, Meditation Facilitator


Teresa Micallef

Teresa’s respect and regard for children, and all they bring to our world is evident in her interactions with them and the gentle hope she holds for and with them to create our world anew.

She knows meditation has the capacity to assist children to deal with the pressures, stressors, and emotions of daily life, building their resilience and giving them skills to draw on when they need it, in the moment.

Teresa hopes that these meditation offerings provide a safe and sacred space for children to remember themselves, why they came, who they are; and to find the creative power within to take their own journey with joy and love forever in their hearts.

Teresa is a devoted Reiki Practitioner, Meditator and Wisdom Teacher. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Disability Studies and a Certificate IV in Reflexology.

Healing has always been central to her life in various ways. Her love of Spirit began as a child in nature, singing to the birds, the trees and playing with puppies... and continued with her intimate prayers to God.

As a young adult she discovered her teacher Denise Crundall and took her Reiki classes and began the journey of a lifetime. Now as a daily practitioner of Reiki healing, she administrates for the Usui Reiki Centre in Camberwell, Australia, and supports its teachers and community.

Teresa also works with people with developmental disabilities and their families helping them dream and create better lives within community and has done so for 25 years. She facilitates numerous groups and consults with people daily.

Teresa’s love of Reiki, healing and the children of our world inspired her to support the children’s Reiki classes, in Queensland, Melbourne and Canada, over the last 20 years, and she has led many follow up groups for Reiki Kids in Melbourne.

Location: Melbourne, Vic Australia

Guided Meditations:
My Beautiful Heart Childrens Meditation
My Sacred Place Childrens Meditation
Good Morning Childrens Meditation

Additional Info:
For further information on Children’s Reiki classes offered in person across Australia and Canada please visit www.usuireikicentre.com/reiki-classes/

Jeff Ramsey, Meditation Facilitator

Jeff Ramsey, Meditation Facilitator


Jeff Ramsey

Jeff Ramsey is a Practitioner of The New Thoughtform Presentation of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.  He has taken classes on the teachings of Lucille Cedercrans, The Tibetan Master, Djwal Khul, Helena Blavatsky, Science of Mind, and other gnostic and Buddhist teachings.  He currently work with Shades Of Hope, a private treatment center for all addictions, and offers counseling as well as meditative and healing techniques.

Location: TX, USA

Step 11.1 Booklet - a beginner’s guide to meditation for those recovering from addiction.

Guided Meditations:
Addiction Recovery Meditation
Happy, Joyous and Free Meditation
Pain & Discomfort Meditation
Resentment Meditation
Truth Meditation

Dr. Jana Retzel, Meditation Teacher

Dr. Jana Retzel, Meditation Teacher


Dr. Jana Rentzel

Jana Rentzel is a psychologist, teacher, and trained spiritual director. With a Master’s degree in PsychoSpiritual Counseling and a PhD in Spiritual Psychology, she has served as a hospital chaplain and as a hospice counselor for many years. In private practice for the past 25 years, Jana specializes in spiritually-based counseling and spiritual direction that provides her clients with the opportunity to develop psychologically and spiritually, to flourish and be enriched in their outer and inner lives, and to be healed in the broadest, deepest sense.

An avid meditator for nearly 40 years, Jana has trained extensively in Tibetan Buddhist practices and in Christian contemplative prayer. She leads online guided meditation sessions every week and teaches online classes in centering prayer.

Jana is married with three stepdaughters, six grandchildren, and two highly entertaining golden-doodles.

Location: Dallas, TX, USA

Live Meditation Classes:
Living in Divine Presence

Guided Meditations:
Cultivating Gratitude Meditation
Cultivating Love and Peace Meditation
Inner Peace Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation
Meditation on Divine Love
Openhearted Peace Meditation
Stillness of God Meditation

Additional Info:
Website: JanaRentzel.com

Greg Tzinberg, Meditation Teacher

Greg Tzinberg, Meditation Teacher


Greg Tzinberg

I began my studies of the Nature of the Soul, written by Lucille Cedercrans Schaible in 1970 and later went on to study with Lucille after she presented a weekend workshop on Buddhism in Southern California. In 1977 I travelled to Colorado to begin my training with her and remained with her until her passing in 1984.

I have dedicated myself to understanding and teaching the Wisdom from Lucille’s earlier works and in the Vajrayana teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. It was to present this synthesis that I wrote the book, Bridge to Maitreya. My aspiration and motivation is my conviction that self-realization is the basis for helping to alleviate the suffering of others.

Professionally, I have a Master’s degree in Organizational Development and worked as a leadership and teambuilding consultant in the technology, manufacturing and banking industries for over 16 years. I am still very interested in working with groups and organizations to build their capacity to work together in teams, communicate more effectively and to help people develop their vision, purpose and leadership skills.

Currently I co-teach a number of online courses with my partner, Theresa Tzinberg. Two of these courses are, Practicing the Presence and Loving Kindness in Action. We also coordinate two service initiatives; the Loving Kindness Forum and the Inward Bound Meditation network.

Location: Dromana, Vic Australia

Meditation Classes:
’Bite Sized’ Buddhism
The Eightfold Path

Guided Meditations:
Foundations of Mindfulness
Mindfulness Meditation - Counting the Breath
Spaciousness Meditation
Watching the Mind

Theresa Tzinberg, Meditation Teacher

Theresa Tzinberg, Meditation Teacher


Theresa Tzinberg

Theresa Tzinberg is a qualified Teacher of the Wisdom and has been teaching the various works of Lucille Cedercrans and Denise Crundall for over 15 years, synthesising these works with Lucille’s later Buddhist teachings. Theresa co-teaches classes in deep meditation and advanced practices with her husband Greg Tzinberg. These classes are offered over Zoom to international audiences.

Over the last 6 years Theresa has travelled to many countries offering retreats, workshops and classes on Loving Kindness, meditation and self-healing.

Healing continues to be an ongoing focus as a passion and service to others. Currently Theresa is engaged in an intensive study and practice of energy healing in order to help others release deeply held blocks they carry in their consciousness from lifetime to lifetime.

Theresa also has over 10 years of experience running a retreat centre for health and wellbeing, working with various modalities, teaching meditation, running workshops and classes and offering spiritual guidance and general life coaching. She has a well-deserved reputation for being an insightful and compassionate listener and coach who has helped many gain insight and healing in their lives.

Location: Dromana, Vic Australia

Live Meditation Classes:
Mindfulness with Ho’oponopono

Guided Meditations:
5 Minute Reset with Ho’oponopono
Cleaning Memories and Emotions Stored within the Body through
Cleaning the Programming of the Past with Ho'oponopono Meditation
Cultivating Self-Love with Ho’oponopono
Healing Relationships with Ho’oponopono
Introduction to Ho’oponopono
Golden Light Meditation
Living Life with No Regrets through Ho’oponopono Meditation
Love is the Absence of Judgement Ho’oponopono Meditation
Meditation for Deep Sleep with Ho’oponopono
Meditation for Healing Sleep with Ho’oponopono
Resolving Conflict through Ho’oponopono
Self-Nurturing with Ho'oponopono
Stepping Through the Door of the Heart with Ho’oponopono

Gay Vickers, Meditation Facilitator

Gay Vickers, Meditation Facilitator


Gay Vickers

I am both a teacher of the Wisdom and a healer.

My purpose is to invite you to experience for yourself the Wisdom teachings and techniques, Mindfulness and Meditation and discover a Path and means for turning inward to the Source of our true nature and love. What can be experienced is that ‘love heals, soothes and makes right’ and that an intimate, honest and compassionate experience of oneself and one’s inner brilliance enables an intimate and loving relationship with others and the One Life.

I have been a practising psychologist since 1985, trauma therapist and Reiki channel/healer. My spiritual teachers are Denise Crundall, Lucille Cedecrans Schaible, and Pam Nissen and through their inspiration I offer classes in: Path of Initiation 1 and 2; Nature of the Soul, Leadership Training, Ashramic Projections, Creative Thinking, Wisdom Therapy and Teacher’s Training.

I am currently exploring and applying Lucille’s Vajrayana Buddhist Teachings with Greg and Theresa Tzinberg and have been doing so since 2010.

My husband Gordon and I have two daughters, a step son, a granddaughter and grandson and live in Ocean Grove, Victoria, Australia.

Location: Ocean Grove, Vic Australia.

Meditation Classes:
Rainbow Terraces Meditation
Introduction to MIndfulness

Guided Meditations:
Commitment to Change, To Become New Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation for Inner Stillness
Rainbow Terraces - Love Heals, Soothes and Makes Right
Transmuting Negative Habits Meditation
Will to Love is the Cause of Peace

Blog Articles:


Jeff Ramsey, Meditation Facilitator


Deb Weckesser

Deb Weckesser is a longtime meditator with a deep commitment to mindfulness and personal growth.  For years, Deb has explored the transformative power of meditation, integrating it into her daily life and sharing its benefits with others.  Her background in the tech industry has given her a keen understanding of the balance between a fast-paced world and inner stillness. Deb is passionate about helping others cultivate inner peace through meditation and Loving Kindness.

Location: Boston, MA, USA