Happiness & Joy Meditations
Cultivate more joy and happiness with one of our meditations on joy.
A meditation on joy will help you celebrate the positive! These guided meditations will help you recognize the reasons you have to be happy and joyful. Life has its ups and downs but if we don’t stop to acknowledge the things that replenish us we may feel like we are living in an emotional desert. Happiness and joy attracts the good, the true and beautiful things in life to us.
Enjoy one of our relaxing and soothing meditations on joy.
Meditation on Joy
Learn what obscures joy and let go. Then tap into joy’s true source and share with others {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Happiness & Joy, Healing, Relaxation & Stress Reduction
Inner Smile Healing Meditation
This meditation is based on a Qigong practice of smiling into the organs and transforming the emotions associated with them for healing body, mind and emotions. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Happiness & Joy, Healing, Self Care
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness meditation that uses the Tonglen practice to transform suffering of self and others. {Listen Now}▶️
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Buddhist, Compassion, Happiness & Joy, Love & Loving Kindness
Meditation for Creating a Vision of Home
A guided meditation to help create a vision of your ideal inner home. Identify how your sacred space might feel, free of all clutter and baggage.. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Justine Hall
Categories: Beginners, Happiness & Joy, Healing, Self Care
Watching the Mind Meditation
This meditation represents a fundamental teaching within Buddhism that basically our experience of reality arises from the nature of mind. As we endeavor to keep the mind focused on the mind itself we begin to see that the nature of mind is not our thoughts, rather the nature of mind is awareness.{Listen Now}
Facilitator: Greg Tzinberg
Categories: Buddhist, Happiness & Joy, Mindfulness
Heart Petal Meditation
In this meditation you will choose a quality of the heart you would like to work with for your self and to send to others using the breath. There will be some questions to contemplate on and periods of silence. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Happiness & Joy, Healing, Love & Loving-Kindness
Living Life with No Regrets through Ho’oponopono Meditation
Utilising the powerful Hawaiian healing technique of Ho’oponopono to clean and resolve those conflicts and issues in our lives that are unresolved, all of that which stands in our way of living a life of happiness and joy. {Listen Now}
Facilitator:: Theresa Tzinberg
Categories: Forgiveness, Healing, Ho’oponopono, Self Care, Self Love
Sacred Home in the Heart Meditation
Utilizing nature as inspiration this meditation leads you into a visualization of the sacred home in your heart. Use as a relaxation meditation or to assist the creating of a vision of your decluttered home before embarking on decluttering with mindfulness. {Listen Now}
Facilitator: Justine Hall
Categories: Happiness & Joy, Relaxation & Stress Reduction, Self Care
Meditation for Cultivating Peace
A guided meditation to let go of any obstacles to inner peace and create a field of energy that includes peace, harmony, laughter and love.{Listen Now}
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Happiness & Joy, Self Care
Our library of guided meditations is always growing, so be sure to check back often for new meditations.
Lightness of Being is a state of being in harmony with oneself and the surrounding world. We have an innate wisdom that at times shines through and reveals the true nature of life as a Lightness of Being.