Mindfulness Meditations

Mindfulness meditations designed to enhance your focus and promote inner peace. Explore a variety of guided meditations to cultivate awareness and balance in your daily life.

Mindfulness Meditations

Discover inner peace with our mindfulness meditations.

Mindfulness is about living with attention and intention. Attending to what is actually occurring without embellishment or creating stories about its significance. We also utilize mindfulness to hone in on our intention. What do we want? What are we trying to achieve, trying to make happen?

Mindfulness is the process of learning how to slow down our thoughts, choosing what to pay attention to and letting go of unproductive distractions. With mindfulness meditations we learn to tame the mind using the breath and observing thoughts. Then through mental training we find the true nature of Mind itself. We enter the rhythm of our Being. We find that we can more easily move within our mindstream to the place between our thoughts. This is a way to discover true peace and happiness.

It is there within you, and it is yours for the taking. All you have to do is lay down the habits of endlessly seeking satisfaction outside and the habit of believing that happiness occurs when all negative influences are eliminated. These beliefs represent our basic ignorance.

Our guided mindfulness meditations will help you expand your ability to both meditate more effectively and be more mindful now.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is a starting point. We need to become open, aware and alert to where we are, what our mind is thinking, our feelings are feeling and where our urges may want to take us. This mindfulness meditation introduces us to mind in its natural state which is spacious, open and free. {Listen Now}

Facilitator: Greg Tzinberg
Categories: Beginners, Buddhist, Mindfulness

Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Guided Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Breathing Meditation

This meditation introduces the fundamentals of mindfulness meditation. We begin by taming the mind by observing thoughts and trying not to let ourselves attach to them. After a while we can start training the mind to remain open, still and spacious. {Listen Now}

Facilitator: Greg Tzinberg
Categories: Beginners, Buddhist, Mindfulness

Mindfulness Mediation for Inner Stillness

Mindfulness Mediation for Inner Stillness

Mindfulness Meditation for Inner Stillness

This mindfulness meditation practice invites you, via attention to your breath and sound, to bring your focus to NOW, this moment. From here you are invited to expand your conscious awareness within. This will open you to positive changes in mind, body and spirit. {Listen Now}

Facilitator: Gay Vickers
Categories: Beginners, Mindfulness, Relaxation & Stress Reduction, Self Care

Mindfulness Meditation - Watching the Mind

Watching the Mind Mindfulness Meditation

Watching the Mind Meditation

This meditation represents a fundamental teaching within Buddhism that basically our experience of reality arises from the nature of mind. As we endeavor to keep the mind focused on the mind itself we begin to see that the nature of mind is not our thoughts, rather the nature of mind is awareness. {Listen Now}

Facilitator: Greg Tzinberg
Categories: Buddhist, Happiness & Joy, Mindfulness

Mindfulness Meditation on Spaciousness

Mindfulness Meditation on Spaciousness

Mindfulness Meditation on Spaciousness

This guided mindfulness meditation draws on the practice of watching thoughts and observing the “space between thoughts”. This meditation practice slows down the number of thoughts that enter the mind and increases the space between one thought and the next. Change your mind and you change your outer circumstances. This is what spaciousness can teach us. {Listen Now}

Facilitator: Greg Tzinberg
Categories: Buddhist, Mindfulness, Relaxation & Stress Reduction

5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

This 5 minute mindfulness meditation is perfect for beginners! If you’ve always wanted to try meditation and wasn’t sure where to start - start here! {Listen Now} ▶️

Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Beginners, Mindfulness


Our library of guided meditations is always growing, so be sure to check back often for new meditations.