Filling the Hole Within Recovery Meditation

As an alcoholic or addict, we have a hole inside us that we have spent most of our lives trying to fill, and to no avail. On page 31 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, it lists just some of the methods we have tried to fill that emptiness, and “…we could increase the list ad infinitum” and still be lost, frustrated, angry, and alone. Every thing we tried (cars, houses, marriages, sex, food, money, liquor, thrills, therapy… even Religion) didn’t even make a dent in the emptiness, no matter how much we stuffed in.

And right therein lies the problem: we were stuffing IN. That emptiness is inside us, a frequency within us that the disease of Addiction tries to keep dark and isolated within us, making it illusive, hard to identify. As part of Humanity, we try to fix a problem, and do as we have learned to do over millennia: take something outside and put it inside to make us feel different/better and make the pain go away, ie, food cures hunger, oxygen satisfies that need to breathe. AND, as is true with all cyclic flows, what goes in, comes out: Oxygen goes in, carbon monoxide comes out, food goes in, digested waste comes out, gasoline goes in the car and a smelly exhaust comes out. And on and on…

Ok, that’s in the hard and cold, manifest world of forms. How about when we move up to the world of emotion… or thought. Well, Energy Follows Thought is a Law of our Universe, but when was the last time you stopped and thought about…what you were thinking about. Yeah, probably not a daily thing on your TO DO list…mine either. Perhaps it should be! If you have an addictive personality (and boy do I ever!) the earch for M O R E is relentless, and why not? Our minds have poured energy into the “wanting MORE” concept since it was first sparked in us… and it is always from the outside that we seek.

The Divine Spark within us, is where we need to look. As we nurture it, and feed it our Love and Positive Energy, it will grow and radiate and, eventually, become a Center within you where you will find… well… Everything that is knowable to man. But we have to Start before we can see Progress. This is not an overnight deal, BUT working from within will yield results that we have never seen before by attempting to stuff the ntire world inside us.

Walk with me and let’s see if you, too, can feel a difference after trying this work.

Length: Minutes
Facilitator: Jeff Ramsey
Categories: Addiction Recovery


Step 11.1 Booklet by Jeff Ramsey

Be sure to download the Step 11.1 Booklet. It was written as the next progressive step beyond Alcoholics Anonymous’ 11th Step. It is a beginning guide to a meditation process whose few simple steps will give the reader a strong base from which to explore the immense inner world.

Click to download Step 11.1 Booklet



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