Meditation for Anxiety

It seems right now like anxiety is everywhere! Either that or there are more things around to be anxious about these days. So, what’s the cure for all this anxiety? There isn’t. No matter how much we want to, we just can’t make the world behave for us!! We can, however, dispel all the energy which causes the anxiety. And just how do we do that? In case you hadn’t already guessed, we Meditate!! BUT, there’s even anxiety around WHICH meditation technique is “right!” We can get so wrapped up in all the shiny red balls surrounding something that we lose complete connection with the idea itself and are lost in the minutia, the details, and then, Viola! more anxiety about the anxiety…oh, never mind! You can see how, in our lives, our anxious feelings can go from bad to worse and very fast. Don’t go there.

Yes, for us with addictive personalities, that’s the answer: Don’t Go There! If your mind is anything like mine, I can take a stray, passing thought and in short order have a whole life story made up around this silly thought! I can even have an entire, two sided argument with another person…all in my head! DON’T GO THERE! If we do “go there” then we risk dealing with the Law Of Attraction helping us to “think” our anxiety right into manifest existence in our lives and “something else to worry about!”

What we need is a tool we can use when we find ourselves headed down that rabbit hole. A tool to yank us back from that maze of crazy thinking. Yes, meditation is involved to show you the road to this tool. Hopefully, and with practice, this will become a rope dangling beside you which you can tug on whenever that crazy thinking comes, the tightness in your stomach, the sweaty hands—just tug on this concept and let the anxiety fall away like gentle rain rolling off a bright, yellow slicker.

Yes, it takes a little practice, but that depends on how much you argue with your own mind! If you can quiet your emotions and bring your mind to a single pointed focus, then the next steps are simple…and can make a world of difference in your daily life! (If you haven’t already learned a good technique for this, you are welcome to download my booklet on Step 11 meditation, and a guided meditation example.

Ok, enough talk. Let’s walk slowly through this technique together. Practice this longer version regularly, and especially when you aren’t feeling anxious, and it will become a kind of habit, a path of least resistance when anxiety does creep in, and I hope it serves you well in the future.

Let’s prepare for meditation…

Length: 13 Minutes
Facilitator: Jeff Ramsey
Categories: Addiction Recovery, Anxiety, Beginners


Step 11.1 Booklet by Jeff Ramsey

Be sure to download the Step 11.1 Booklet. It was written as the next progressive step beyond Alcoholics Anonymous’ 11th Step. It is a beginning guide to a meditation process whose few simple steps will give the reader a strong base from which to explore the immense inner world.

Click to download Step 11.1 Booklet



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