Welcome to Mindfulness with Ho’oponopono
With Theresa Tzinberg
Welcome to the Ho’oponopono group members page on the Inward Bound Network. My name is Theresa and I have great joy in hosting this weekly class on Zoom. This page has been created to share class and meditation recordings and other resources that may be of interest. You are most welcome to download any of the recordings on this page for your own use. Please note that these recordings have been made during live classes, they have not been produced professionally, however they are very real, offering a compassionate approach to current situations and issues.
The Ho’oponopono group has attracted a large membership since its inception in April 2020, with a number of group members attending classes each week on Zoom. In these classes I share teachings in relation to the Ho’oponopono technique with very specific themes, for example: Cultivating Self Love, the Power of Forgiveness, Working with Physical Conditions and Illness, Transforming Judgment, etc. Each of our sessions concludes with a Ho’oponopono meditation. Recordings of some of these sessions are included here on this page.
Enjoy! Theresa Tzinberg & Gay Vickers
Facilitators Bio
Classes & Meditations
The Ho’oponopono Legend & Cleaning the Programming of the Past
Healing Relationships with Ho’oponopono
How to Utilize Ho’oponopono for a Deep and Healing Sleep
Stepping through the Door of the Heart
Living Life with No Regrets
Healing the Body with Ho'oponopono
The Meaning of the Ho'oponopono Mantra
Mindfulness with Ho’oponopono Class
The Power of Gratitude through Ho’oponopono
Forgiveness: Your Health Depends On It
Resolving Conflict through Ho’oponopono
How to Meditate with Ho’oponopono Class
Meditations Only
Cleaning the Programming of the Past
Introduction to Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono with Interval Breathing
Love is the Absence of Judgement
Cultivating Self Love
Healing Relationships with Ho’oponopono
5 Minute Reset
Meditation for Deep Sleep
Meditation For Healing Sleep
Stepping through the Door of the Heart
Living Life with No Regrets
Healing the Body Meditation
Utilising the Deeper Meaning of the Ho’oponopono Mantra
Mindfulness with Ho’oponopono Meditation
The Power of Gratitude through Ho’oponopno Meditation
Gratitude for All That We Are with Ho’oponopono Meditation
Forgivenss for Health & Wellbeing Ho’oponopono Meditation
Resolving Conflict through Ho’oponopono Meditation
Prayer is for Peace, Unity and Understanding: Class & Meditation
How to Meditate with Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono Mantra - Awakening the Heart Essence
The Ho’oponopono Legend & Cleaning the Programming of the Past
This class begins with an inspiring story - a brief overview of the “Ho’oponopono Legend” – the story of a therapist by the name of Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD, who miraculously healed patients in a Hawaiian state hospital for the criminally insane – he had no physical contact with the inmates but sounded the four lines of the Ho’oponopono mantra within himself:
“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.”
We then move into a discussion about how we can utilise the Ho’oponopono technique to clean our unconscious reactivity that is borne out of the programming we have taken on through all of our past experiences, that programming that keeps us from living life to our full potential. The intentional sounding of the Ho’oponopono mantra helps us to return back to “zero” – our true authentic self.
“The only task in your life and mine is the restoration of our Identities - our Minds - back to their original state of void or zero.” ~ Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.
In short, Ho’opononopo is about returning the zero state, where nothing exists but anything is possible. In the zero state there are no thoughts, words, deeds, memories, programs, beliefs, or anything else. Just nothing.
Introduction to Ho’oponopono Meditation
Ho’oponopono with Interval Breathing Meditation
Utilising the power of the Ho’oponopono Technique in conjunction with Interval Breathing to empower the healing process. This recording offers a 10-minute instruction on how to utilise the combination of these two techniques followed by a meditation which incorporates both interval breathing and the Ho’oponopono mantra. Interval Breathing Diagram
Ho’oponopono Meditation - Love is the Absence of Judgement
Self-judgement and self-condemnation are the greatest obstacles to us truly experiencing love, love of ourselves and love from another. As the Dalai Lama once said: “Love is the absence of judgement.” In this meditation we focus upon cleaning away the toxic energies of judgement and criticism that are borne out of painful memories of the past, to set ourselves free to live a life filled with an abundance of love and joy.
Cultivating Self Love with Ho'oponopono
There is so much said and written about the importance of loving ourselves. But what does this really mean? How do we do it? We can say “I love myself”, “I love myself”, “I love myself”, but then often there is a voice in the background that says “No you don’t”, “No you don’t”, “No you don’t”!
This meditation focusses upon cleaning those negative beliefs that stand in the way of us experiencing spiritual love – that which we call “self love”. Utilising the Ho’oponopono mantra to clean those past memories that have us believing that we are unworthy of love and to open up to the radiance of Love that is deep within our being.
Healing Relationships with Ho’oponopono
Healing Relationships with Ho'oponopono – Part 1 - Class
Utilising the powerful healing technique of Ho’oponopono to heal the pain and the hurt, the anger, the grief, the helplessness that may have been caused through relationships. No doubt we have all experienced the challenges of relationships, some to a greater degree than others. In this class we look at our various relationships, past and present, with the intention of healing those wounds, cleaning the difficult memories that may have been created through the pain of misuse and/or abuse, misunderstanding, or perhaps the grief and the loneliness of loss. As we live with these relationship issues we can feel powerless or helpless and often we suffer in silence or become so consumed by negative emotions that we become ill, unhappy or lonely.
This class is experiential, offering guidance on working through this delicate subject with love and compassion.
Healing Relationships with Ho'oponopono – Part 2 - Meditation
This meditation incorporates the dynamic healing technique of Ho’oponopono to cleanse and purify the toxicity that can arise through relationships, creating an opportunity for us to set ourselves free to live a life with greater freedom and joy.
Self-Nurturing with Ho'oponopono
A relaxing and transformative meditation utilising the Ho’oponopono technique to release past conditioning and expectations by integrating all aspects of our being, allowing us to open more fully to self-acceptance and self-love. Moving through the various stages of this life and embracing ourselves as a child, an adolescent and as our adult self with unconditional love and compassion. As we learn to befriend ourselves, our life becomes more meaningful, more joyful – we allow ourselves to relax and just BE.
5 Minute Reset with Ho’oponopono
Relieve anxiety and stress with this 5-minutes meditation utilizing the powerful Ho’oponopono mantra to calm your emotions and still your mind and bring the whole of your being back into balance. A complete reset of your day in just 5 minutes.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique. It is a practice that does not require much teaching, it can be done anywhere at any time, on your own or by listening to a recording. It is a powerful way of cleansing those thoughts and beliefs that are holding us in a negative state of mind.
Please sit back and relax and enjoy!
How to Utilize Ho’oponopono for a Deep and Healing Sleep
This class offers thoughts and ideas to help us drift off to sleep peacefully and how to empower our sleep process, · to help us release and relax and let go of our day in order to move into a restful sleep, and · to utilize the Ho’oponopono mantra to cleanse and purify memories that have been created from past experiences while we are sleeping.
There are also two sleep meditation recordings being offered: Meditation for Deep Sleep with Ho'oponopono and Meditation for Healing Sleep with Ho’oponopono. Links to these recordings are included below.
Meditation for Deep Sleep with Ho'oponopono
A beautiful, guided sleep meditation, beginning with a full body relaxation and moving into the sounding of the Ho’oponopono mantra to cleanse and release the thoughts from the day that no longer serve, creating a peaceful space within which you can move into a deep and restful sleep.
Meditation For Healing Sleep With Ho'oponopono
A gentle relaxation meditation that begins with a review of the day in order to release and transform any residual negativity, claiming the gift of wisdom from your experiences and allowing you to prepare for a peaceful, healing sleep. Utilising the Ho’oponopono technique as a gentle yet powerful way to embody a greater level of love and self acceptance.
Stepping through the Door of the Heart
Deep within the heart there is a door that will open when you are ready. A door that leads us into our spiritual home, the door into universal beingness, the Source of all creation. What stands between us where we are now and us stepping through the door are those resistances, those negativities that have risen up and secured a place within our being as beliefs about ourselves and our world, those beliefs that tell us that we are unworthy, not good enough, unlovable, and so forth.
This class offers an opportunity to look at what it is that stands in our way of stepping through the door deep within our heart, that which is holding us separate from who we truly are. To cleanse and purify that which stands in our way in order that we can move into complete union with our spirituality, your Higher Self, God, your Buddha Nature.
Upon completion of this class we recommend you do the meditation, “Stepping through the Door of the Heart”, where we will take the opportunity to observe our fears and difficulties, and then cleansing our beliefs and resistances through the use of the Ho’oponopono mantra, allowing us to walk through the door of our heart and experience life anew.
Please note that there is a copy of the paper that is read within this class included in the Supplemental Material.
Supplemental Material for this class:
Stepping through the Door of the Heart - words of inspiration in this current world situation
Living Life with No Regrets through Ho’oponopono Class & Meditation
In this class we explore the areas of our life where we have “unfinished business”. Any conflicts that are unresolved, people in our lives with whom we are not at peace, things that have not been said that need to be said are all cause for regrets, that which weighs us down and stands in our way of living a life of happiness and joy.
This class offers an opportunity to look at important aspects of living and dying, living life now to the fullest, no longer putting off our happiness and our joy in order that when the moment of death arrives there are no regrets, there is no “unfinished business”.
The duration of this class is 25 minutes, followed by a 20 minute meditation.
Living Life with No Regrets through Ho’oponopono Meditation
Utilising the powerful Hawaiian healing technique of Ho’oponopono to clean and resolve those conflicts and issues in our lives that are unresolved, all of that which stands in our way of living a life of happiness and joy.
Healing the Body with Ho’oponopono Class & Meditation
In this class we talk about how we can utilise the Ho’oponopono technique to unlock and clean the emotions and memories that are stored within the cells of our body that are often the cause of pain, stress, illness, dis-ease and trauma in our day-to-day life.
Many of us get emotional around certain situations and experiences and if we don’t fully express the emotion, it gets locked within us. Through the programming over all the years of our life we have inhibited the full expression of our emotions, these suppressed emotions have become locked somewhere in our body as a memory.
Through the application of forgiveness, love and gratitude we are able to free ourselves from the memories that have been created from past experiences and become the radiant expression of the true nature of our being.
The duration of this class is 35 minutes, followed by a 20 minute meditation.
Healing the Body with Ho’oponopono Meditation
A gentle yet powerful meditation utilising the Ho’oponopono technique to unlock and clean the emotions and memories that are stored within the cells of our body that are often the cause of pain, stress, illness, dis-ease and trauma in our day-to-day life.
The Meaning of the Ho’oponopono Mantra
In this class we explore the deeper meaning and application of the beautiful mantra of forgiveness: Ho’oponopono: “I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You, Thank You”.
This mantra can be sounded at any time throughout the day or night and can also be incorporated within a meditation. Offering a graceful and powerful way of cleansing our body, our emotions and our mind of negative thoughts and feelings that are affecting our health and wellbeing, our vitality and joy in living life.
This class runs for 30 minutes, followed by a meditation which runs for about 20 minutes.
Utilising the Deeper Meaning of the Ho’oponopono Mantra through Meditation
In this meditation we utilise the beautiful mantra of forgiveness: Ho’oponopono: “I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You, Thank You”. It is recommended to do this meditation after listening to the class “The Meaning of the Ho'oponopono Mantra” to more fully utilise the power of this technique.
In using the Ho’oponopono mantra within meditation we are able to move deeper into the true nature of our being by cleaning away our negative thoughts and feelings that can be the cause of resistance.
Mindfulness with Ho’oponopono Class
In this class we explore the concept of mindfulness and how we can utilise the Ho’oponopono technique in order to live life more fully within the present moment. We often hear about mindfulness meditations, but in this class we talk about how we can become more aware of what we are sensing and feeling in each moment, without interpretation or judgment. We spend so much time planning, problem-solving, daydreaming, or thinking negative or random thoughts – and this can be so exhausting! Living in this way can also make us stressful and anxious. Practicing Ho’oponopono can help to direct our attention away from this kind of thinking and engage with the world around us.
This class runs for 25 minutes, followed by a meditation which runs for about 20 minutes.
Mindfulness with Ho’oponopono Meditation
Relaxing the body and the mind helps us to alleviate stress; and applying the powerful Ho’oponopono technique moves us deeper into the source of happiness and peace within our being. This meditation offers an opportunity to clean those aspects of self that get lured into the old habits of negative thinking, setting ourselves free of the limitations of the past so that we can be fully present in the moment.
The Power of Gratitude through Ho’oponopono - Class and Meditation
Gratitude is simply defined as the state of being grateful. It involves expressing thanks or appreciation for something, from a gift to life itself.
In this class we focus upon how we can cultivate gratitude in our day to day lives, quite simply through our commitment to do so! It has become so easy for us to focus upon the negativity in our lives rather than appreciating the beauty that is all around us. So now through our conscious effort to change this pattern we begin to create a life that is more abundant, more joyful – a life with a greater sense of freedom and wellbeing.
We offer some very simple ideas to help cultivate gratitude in our day to day lives, techniques that help us recognise the positive and appreciate the beauty. We also talk in this class about research that has proven the positive impact upon our brain and the overall upliftment of our thoughts and feelings through expressing gratitude.
At the completion of this class we offer a meditation utilising the powerful Ho’oponopono mantra - a sacred Hawaiian prayer that helps to cultivate forgiveness and self-love – creating an opportunity for healing by opening our hearts and minds to gratitude.
This class runs for about 20 minutes, followed by a meditation which runs for about 25 minutes.
Supplemental Materials for this class:
How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain - research on how gratitude improves your mental health
Practicing Gratitude - simple tips for getting started with gratitude
The Power of Gratitude through Ho’oponopono Meditation
Unleashing the power of gratitude to create change in our lives and the lives of all those around us.
In this meditation we create an opportunity for healing by opening our hearts and minds to gratitude. Utilising the powerful Ho’oponopono mantra - a sacred Hawaiian prayer that helps to cultivate forgiveness, self-love and gratitude, freeing us from our habitual negativity by refocussing our mind to appreciate the beauty of life.
Gratitude for All That We Are with Ho’oponopono Meditation
There is such a power in appreciating the gifts that we bring into this life. For as we acknowledge these aspects of ourselves with love and with gratitude, we are able to utilise these gifts more fully to bring greater joy and happiness to our lives. No longer seeking outside of ourselves for confirmation of our goodness, our beauty, our usefulness, but recognising all of these inherent qualities that are deep within the heart of our being.
It is so easy for us to forget our true nature, our true radiance, so we need to begin with self-forgiveness, forgiving ourselves for holding on to those beliefs that cause us to think negatively. Forgiving ourselves for our own blindness, for not being able to see the perfection latent within us. It can be so easy to see the beauty in others, but it is time to turn around and see all of these qualities within. The words of the Ho’oponopono mantra help us to turn towards the grace of our being-ness, to see the radiance deep within ourselves.
To be grateful for all that we are.
Forgiveness: Your Health Depends On It
In this Ho’oponopono class we talked about how important Forgiveness is for our own health and wellbeing. As we approach the holiday season it is so easy to become overwhelmed within old patterns of negativity and lose sight of the true meaning of this festive time of year. We have all moved through so many challenges throughout the past couple of years and it is important for us to transform any of the negativity: the resentment, the anger, the judgement, the anxiety, etc that we have taken on as a consequence. In this class we talk about how we can utilise the powerful healing technique of Ho’oponopono to cleanse and purify all of these negativities and embrace the power of Forgiveness to set ourselves and others free.
This class runs for about 40 minutes and is followed by a 20 minute meditation utilising the powerful Ho’oponopono technique.
Forgivenss for Health & Wellbeing Ho’oponopono Meditation
We have all moved through so many challenges throughout the past couple of years and it is important for us to transform any of the negativity: the resentment, the anger, the judgement, the anxiety, etc that we have taken on as a consequence. In this meditation we utilise the powerful healing technique of Ho'oponopono to cleanse and purify all of these negativities and embrace the power of Forgiveness to set ourselves and others free.
Resolving Conflict through Ho’oponopono
The first step towards creating global peace is through taking responsibility for healing ourselves.
With so much conflict manifesting in our outer world at this time it is more important than ever for us to resolve our inner conflict. And the powerful mantra of Ho’oponopono can aid us greatly in this. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method of conflict resolution.
Times such as these can cause us to feel helpless, fearful and judgmental – taking us further away from our true intrinsic nature, the radiance and the peace of our Higher Self, our Inner Divine Being.
We often talk about how all we want in our life is peace, and say: “Why can’t we all be at peace?” But have we taken responsibility to resolve our own inner conflict? Our conflict with others, with situations, with experiences in our world? It has been said many times before, “Peace begins with us”.
In this class we talk about embracing the courage to look inside ourselves to look at where our inner conflict is emerging from and applying the energies of the ancient Ho’oponopono technique to cleanse and purify these parts of our being and set ourselves free from the battle that rages within.
This class is a recording of a live class, all of the participants comments and questions have been removed from the recording for privacy. There are examples offered of very real situations and experiences in the hope to make this class more meaningful for the listeners.
The class runs for about 25 minutes and is followed by a meditation that runs for about 17 minutes.
Our prayer is that all of the good that is generated by this class and this meditation will aid and benefit all beings.
Resolving Conflict through Ho’oponopono Meditation
With so much conflict manifesting in our outer world at this time it is more important than ever for us to resolve our inner conflict. And the powerful mantra of Ho’oponopono can aid us greatly in this. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method of conflict resolution.
Our Prayer is for Peace, Unity and Understanding: Class and Meditation
Now more than ever we are being called to stand as a centre of light within our world. To resist the temptation to circum to the negative emotions that cause us to retreat in fear, to judge others, to blame, to criticise, etc.
In this class, and through the accompanying meditation, we take the opportunity to explore all the different aspects of life that are triggering us within our world, to call them forth and allow our own natural reactions to rise up, to see them for what they are and then to clean these reactive patterns through the powerful ancient Hawaiian healing technique, Ho’oponopono. The Ho'oponopono mantra is a transformative technique utilising the energies of forgiveness, love and gratitude to bring us to a place of Inner Peace and Unity.
The reactive patterns that we experience are representative of many, many people within humanity, and as we clean these within ourselves through Ho'oponopono, bringing all aspects of our being into Unity, we realise that we are actually creating an opportunity to bring Peace, Unity and Understanding to others within our world. We begin to see through the pain and suffering, the wars and conflicts to the intrinsic goodness within our own heart and at the heart of all beings.
With all that is going on in our world at the moment it is very important for us to learn, to grow and to evolve through these experiences and stand tall for what we believe in. Not imposing our will upon others, but standing tall in the light of truth, stepping into the light of who we are. To radiate truth in every word we speak, every action we take, no agenda.
The Peace Prayer
Let us pray that strength and courage abundant be given
to all who work for a world of reason and understanding;
That the good that lies in every man’s heart
may day by day be magnified;
That men will come to see more clearly
not that which divides them,
but that which unites them;
That each hour may bring us closer to a final victory,
not of nation over nation,
but of men over his own errors and weaknesses;
That the true spirit of mankind – its joy, its beauty, its hope,
may live among us;
That the blessings of peace be ours – the peace to build and grow,
to live in harmony and sympathy with others,
and to plan for the future with confidence.
How to Meditate with Ho’oponopono Class
Sustaining a meditation practice is often difficult and challenging. Whether you are just beginning a meditation practice or have been at it for some time, let’s face it, our days are pretty full-on with work, kids, homelife and whatever else. So, how, when and where to fit meditation in? But maybe those questions are not quite on the mark.
Maybe the real questions to ask are, “Why do I want to meditate?” “What is my level of interest and how strongly motivated am I?” “What am I hoping to achieve from it?” There are so many good reasons to pursue meditation. We have all heard or read something about the benefits but what it that you are seeking?
We are all seekers. All people seek happiness in one form or another, however people tend to turn to meditation when they recognize what they are seeking is something only they can give themselves and the first of these gifts is simply, time. Time to be alone. To be still and to go within.
In this audio session of Ho’oponopono, Theresa will present and guide us through several key topics for becoming successful in your pursuit. Some of these are:
What is it that motivates one to meditate regularly?
The purpose of a meditation practice
Creating time for yourself
Establishing a regular meditation practice
Creating a special meditation space
Posture and its importance
Using a mantra
Ways in which the ego “hijacks” our meditation efforts
Utilizing Ho’oponopono to deepen our meditation practice
We hope as you listen to this audio session that it will help bring clarity to your search. Some answers to important questions and inspiration to your practice.
We recommend you take the time to do the associated meditation to put into practice all that is spoken about in this class.
How to Meditate with Ho’oponopono Meditation
During this guided meditation, Theresa weaves in the Ho’oponopono mantra to take the listener on a journey of healing and discovery. The meditation skillfully uses the topics touched on during the class so it becomes a “real-time” example of how practical and effective this approach can be.
Theresa walks the listener through each stage of the process and clearly establishes a meditation framework that can be used, built upon and expanded as a foundation for a regular meditation practice.
Ho’opnopono Mantra - Awakening the Heart Essence
The purpose of this meditation is to move into an at-one-ment with the Light of our own Divinity, our Higher Self, that source of Unconditional Love that is focussed deep within the heart of our being. We utilise the Ho’oponopono Prayer in order to transform all of that which keeps us separate from being the full expression of our divinity in this life.
We begin the meditation by moving into a state of complete relaxation, deep into the spaciousness of our heart centre, into the radiant Light of our own Divinity, our Higher Self, our Soul. We take the time to allow to rise up those beliefs about ourselves, a thought or a feeling or a memory of the past that holds us back, that prevents us from making our at-one-ment with this Divine part of our being. And then we clean these resistances and blockages, these thoughts and beliefs through the prayer of the Ho’oponopono:
“I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.”
Taking the time to sound these mantric words with a clarity of purpose and intention, to evoke the essence, the true meaning of each line of this prayer in order to cleanse and purify all of that which stands in the way of us coming to know ourselves more fully and moving deeper and deeper into the awareness of who we truly are. We sound the words deep within our heart, feeling the essence of this prayer with a heartfelt yearning for change.
I’m Sorry
Through the sounding of the words, “I’m sorry,” we identify, acknowledge and repent for our responsibility in any given situation. We are accepting responsibility for the choices we have made that have ultimately harmed us in some way. Sounding this intention expresses acknowledgment of wrongs and harm done to ourselves and others, either consciously or unconsciously.
Please Forgive Me
Knowing that forgiveness is the key to allowing Ho’oponopono to work effectively, we must genuinely seek forgiveness of ourselves for all of our actions and our inactions. We seek forgiveness from ourselves for all that we have held onto so tightly, the burdens, the pain, the guilt, the shame, the remorse, the anger and hatred. The blame, the condemnation of ourselves and others. Seeking forgiveness for all of the conscious and unconscious areas that have served as barriers to the love of ourselves, love of God, Goddess, All That Is, to the Love of all others. We are learning to forgive ourselves and release any negative feelings that have bound us to the past.
I Love You
As we sound these words within ourselves, we are connecting with a high vibratory state, the frequency of Divine Love, the Unconditional Love of our Divine Nature. Having an intent to be loving can allow a much greater acceptance, appreciation and flow in life. It keeps us more connected to our true self, to our Divinity, to the life force within ourselves and all that exists. It is love that keeps us connected to our surroundings and all others.
Thank You
This intention is an expression of gratitude. Saying thank you reminds us to maintain a mindset of thankfulness in every part of our life.
We are moving deeper and deeper into our heart, becoming one with the radiance of our Higher Self, our
Divinity. For this we are most grateful.
Supplemental Material
Interval Breathing Diagram - This diagram can be used in conjunction with the recording included in the library “Ho’oponopono Meditation with Interval Breathing”. The diagram offers a visual description of the interval breathing technique being utilised.
Stepping through the Door of the Heart - words of inspiration in this current world situation
How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain - research on how gratitude improves your mental health
Practicing Gratitude - simple tips for getting started with gratitude
Recommended Reading
These books are not necessary for the class but you may find them helpful.
Zero Limits
by Joe Vitale
Revealing the simple power of four phrases to transform your life through Ho’oponopono.
Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
by Michael Singer
Learning to navigate your thoughts and emotions to find inner peace and freedom.
Contact Facilitator
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out by completing this form. Please note that all of our facilitators are volunteers so please allow 24-48 hours for a response.