Torus Movement Meditation

The Torus is a geometric energy pattern that exists in every living thing from an atom to a galaxy. You can see the pattern reflected in plants and trees with roots, a central channel, trunk or tube-shaped stalk with leaves branching out to the sides and all around. It’s the movement of going up from the core and up and out like a donut or like an apple core and around to the sides of the apple. It also moves in other directions; it goes sideways when it rotates fast. The torus energy surrounds the magnetic field of the earth. We also have it around our body, but it needs to be built up and made stronger and activated through our imagination.

Many spiritual teachers as well as people in science have researched the universal principle of the Torus. Here is a quote from Holly Mcann…

“There is a field of energy that surrounds every living thing, generated by a process known as the torus ~ nature’s way of creating and sustaining life. The torus is the regenerative flow of life-force energy found in the human heart, as well as the heart of the Earth, the Sun, and the Milky Way Galaxy. This electromagnetic field is found in atoms, cells, seeds, flowers, trees, animals, humans, hurricanes, planets, suns, galaxies and even the cosmos as a whole.”

A torus is made up of a central axis with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field. Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the other vortex, and then wraps around itself to return to the first incoming vortex. In this way, the energy “inside-outs,” continuously flowing back into itself.”

I have learned from various teachers that the torus is thought to have protective qualities if you meditate with it, so it’s good to activate it daily by practicing the Torus exercise even for a few minutes. It is said that it helps to transform lower vibrations to higher vibrations, including protecting from viruses, bacteria, negative thoughts, fear, aggression and waves of emotions that are being sent around the globe. It connects to the source of everything, of love and of infinite possibility.

Each movement has a purpose and different effect.

The movement can be done like a qigong movement standing, sitting and moving the arms down through the center, or imagining the movement of energy in your mind. The energy can come up from the bottom of your torso or feet and out from your head and out, which is called the Creative Yin cycle, and is the same movement of the growth of plants and trees. This has a nourishing and comforting effect…

This torus meditation will be about 30 min. long and there will be some silent spaces. We will start by emptying out through the breath from the body, emotions and mind, everything that we want to let go of and to create space for this energy to work through us. Then we will make an alignment with the light of the group. We will create a sphere and invite the highest divine light and the pure energy of love. Once that energy gets strong within us, it will be shared with everyone who we meet.

Length: 24 Minutes
Facilitator: Laurie Ferreri
Categories: Healing, Relaxation & Stress Reduction, Self Care

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