Ho'oponopono Meditation Introduction
This is an introductory Ho’oponopono meditation. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing practice that will cleanse, purify and heal past memories and habitual patterns that are creating obstacles to living a life of happiness, joy and wellbeing and to transform our life on every level in the most beautiful and profound ways.
“Ho’oponopono is a profound gift which allows one to develop a working relationship with Divinity within and learn to ask that in each moment our errors in thought, word, deed, or action be cleansed. The process is essentially about freedom, complete freedom from the past.”
– Mornah Nalamaku Simeaona, Kahuna Lapa’au
To put Ho’oponopono into practice, you don’t have to believe in any particular deities, have any religion, or be isolated in a quiet place. Just say (mentally or out loud) the Ho’oponopono mantra while you are walking, while you are driving, before going to sleep, upon waking, preparing from meditation….
Ho’oponopono Meditation
Ho’oponopono Meditation Mantra
I’m Sorry
Please Forgive Me
I Love You
Thank you.
Simply repeating these words can trigger the release of blockages, negative memories, and traumas through the energies of repentance, forgiveness, love, and gratitude. These four healing pathways are the keys to regaining balance and a loving attitude toward self and others.
Experience this powerful healing technique for yourself by trying our introductory Ho’oponopono meditation.
Length: 12 Minutes
Facilitator: Theresa Tzinberg
Categories: Beginners, Forgiveness, Healing, Ho’oponopono, Self Love
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