Declutter with Mindfulness

Declutter with Mindfulness

Do you feel overwhelmed by too much stuff in your home and the task of sorting it? Are you not sure where to even start, let alone find the time or motivation to keep going? Do you long for a sense of beauty and order in your home?

Imagine for a moment, that everything you own has a clear purpose and function for you, right now in your life. That you are surrounded by only the things that you find special and meaningful, in just the right amount for your needs- no more and no less. Imagine that you have the time and energy to love and cherish every item. Each one has a proper place to be stored so you easily put it away and know exactly where it is when needed.

Whether you are an absolute beginner or have been decluttering for a while, our Declutter with Mindfulness weekly class can help you with:

  • Clear processes to follow that really work

  • Experienced guidance to overcome getting stuck and answer questions

  • An holistic approach that addresses the emotional, psychological and spiritual, as well as physical, aspects of decluttering.

  • Practical tools and helpful resources to transform and support deeper changes in your life

  • A compassionate non-judgemental space

  • Support, motivation and inspiration of other like minded people decluttering their lives

How to declutter class

Discover the joy of decluttering your home in our free weekly Zoom class.

Decluttering your home can bring many benefits:

  • Feeling calm and more relaxed

  • A greater sense of being ‘at home’ within yourself and your environment

  • Clarity and discernment about what you really love and what you need to let go of in your life.

  • Freedom to discover and express your authentic self

  • No longer feeling embarrassed or ashamed by your clutter

  • No longer needing ‘stuff’ to avoid feeling anxious, insecure, bored, hurt, angry or any other uncomfortable sensation

  • Increased energy, motivation and confidence toward making other positive changes in your life, such as losing weight, saving money, improving relationships and getting things done

The Declutter with Mindfulness class meets weekly, on zoom, for around 60-90 minutes. The classes run for an 8 week period during each school term with a break for holidays (Australian school terms x4 per year).

Note: People are welcome to join in at any stage and do NOT need to attend every week.

Facilitator: Justine Hall


Join our Members Page - When you register for this class, you will have access to the Declutter with Mindfulness Members page where you will find a library of recordings of meditations and classes, along with other supplemental material relating to this class. There is no cost in being a member of this group, all of this material is provided free of charge for your personal use. Click here to register and join this group.

Once you have registered you can access the members page through the following link:


Live Meditation Class Schedule

Melbourne, Australia: Wednesdays at 7pm
Los Angeles: Wednesdays at 2am
Denver: Wednesdays at 3am
Houston: Wednesdays at 4am
New York: Wednesdays at 5am

Join Live Meditation Class

Click on this Zoom link at the class time to attend:
Meeting ID: 85119514827
Password: 127

Register for Declutter with Mindfulness

To attend this free live meditation class, just complete the registration form below. Once completed we will send you an email with access to the member page for this class plus we will send you a reminder email prior to class.

Please note: We respect your privacy and promise not to share your email address or other information.



Decluttering class- I look forward to this class every week. We all share our journeys in a safe compassionate environment. Justine helps us with any challenges that arise, with no pressure but to provide safe guidance with understanding and trust.  I do have a way to go still but I am growing in confidence that I can get through this. Anyone that is struggling to decluttering their lives will enjoy this group!


Decluttering with mindfulness has the appearance of being simply about decluttering your home, however, the deeper gift is in the decluttering of the mind that surfaces while undertaking the physical process of shifting our relationships to the things within our homes. Decluttering our homes mirrors this inner process. Sharing that journey with others shows us how alike we all are, for as each person shares their insights during the process, the others in the group learn something about themselves too. The magic of orderliness emerges through the wonderful guidance of Justine. The meditation is an added bonus. I highly recommend this life changing experience and journey.

- Lucinda T. BSc(Psych), Disability Support Worker - Mental Health


Declutter with mindfulness really appealed to me. I have tried other ways to declutter but always came unstuck. From my first session with Justine I knew I had the right support for me. Justine’s willingness to listen and delve beneath the words to find the source of hanging onto stuff has been enlightening and motivating. Whether it is my story, or one of the other participants there is always something to learn.
- Debbie