Morning Gratitude Meditation
Morning Gratitude Meditation offers an opportunity to begin the day by expressing appreciation for all that we are and all that we are a part of. Gratitude for that wellspring of life that is focused deep within our heart, the true essence of our being. We recognise that each time we express gratitude today we are activating that wellspring of life and love and joy. We are activating this energy and allowing it to radiate throughout the whole of our being through the entirety of our day.
We have a choice, we can awaken to our new day with doom and gloom, “oh it’s Monday”, or we can wake up each morning with the celebration of life, thinking about everything we are grateful for today. It’s pretty difficult to drag ourselves out of the day that begins with doom and gloom, but the day that begins with gratefulness, thankfulness, joy, love, appreciation, sets a mood for the whole day. It’s a conscious choice.
We begin this guided meditation by moving deep into the heart of our being where we visualise this wellspring of life that is pure light radiating in all directions. We say the words of the Ho’oponopono mantra to cleanse and purify any resistances we may have to becoming one with this wellspring of light and love and joy. Deep within the heart we say the words:
“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.”
As we sound the Ho’oponopono mantra, we are cleansing those aspects of ourselves that are imprisoned within old beliefs and habits borne out of past experiences, the ego voice that says, “What have I got to be grateful for?”, “Life is just too hard.” So we are going to clean away all of our self-created prison bars, and as these fall away, we will be able to recognise the radiance of light deep within our heart. Clearing the way for us to express heartfelt gratitude for all that we are and for this day that we are stepping into through the sounding of a series of Morning Gratitude Affirmations.
We then take the time to immerse ourselves completely within the “attitude of gratitude”. We dedicate this day to the ceremony of life.
I encourage you to journal about what you have to be grateful for, after doing this morning gratitude meditation.
Length: 10 Minutes
Facilitator: Theresa Tzinberg
Categories: Gratitude, Ho’oponopono
Learn more about Morning Gratitude Affirmations.
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