Self Care Meditation
Self Care Meditation offers us a beautiful gift of nurturing on all levels of our being: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In this guided meditation we take the time to connect with every part of ourselves, expressing gratitude and appreciation for all that we are. This is an opportunity to immerse yourself within a warm bath of golden light, nurturing you, caring for you, loving you.
There are many thoughts and beliefs we have about ourselves that get in the way of us creating time and energy toward self-care and nurturing. Self-care is an aspect of daily life that is often forgotten, and perhaps neglected. We have become so good at giving every last bit of energy to others, our family, our friends, our jobs…, becoming so exhausted that there is no time left for us!
Self Care Meditation is a simple way to nurture yourself.
Therefore, in this meditation we utilise the transformational Ho’oponopono mantra to clean the memories of the experiences we have moved through in our lives that have caused us to believe that we are not worthy of self-love, self-care and self-nurturing.
“I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I Love You, Thank You”
The words of the Ho’oponopono mantra spiral through our heart, filling the whole of our being, cleaning all of our negative thoughts and beliefs. We move deeper and deeper into the heart of our being, to that wellspring of love that is within us and then rest in stillness.
Many people think that they do not have time to meditate, but each of us has the capacity to set aside 15 to 20 minutes a day to just sit and BE. All that we need do is prioritize our own health and wellbeing, to cultivate a sense of fulfilment, joy and appreciation for ourselves. Incorporating meditation is a crucial aspect of practicing self-care.
Please sit back, relax and enjoy this guided Self Care Meditation.
Length: 17 Minutes
Facilitator: Theresa Tzinberg
Categories: Ho’oponopono, Self Care
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