The Roar of Loving Kindness: Embracing the Power Within
Loving Kindness is a force that whispers, and at times roars, from the depths of our being. Learn more about the transformative power of Loving Kindness.

Children and the New Generations
Children today are as cognizant about global climate change as my generation were about the danger of a nuclear war and fall-out. I believe that we need to give our children a different kind of educational foundation, one that equips them to think in terms of solving problems, large and small.

What is True Happiness?
What is True Happiness? Learn more about what true happiness is and how to maintain a state of happiness in your own life.

From Hate to Understanding: A Journey Along the Path of Loving Kindness
The story of Richard McKinney stands out because it reveals so much about the healing power of love, forgiveness and how the authentic practice of one’s principles of faith overcomes fear and ignorance.

Path of Loving Kindness Foundations Class
Path of Loving Kindness Foundations class offers a foundation to coming to know ourselves more fully, moving us towards being an embodiment and expression of the energy of Loving Kindness.

Meditation and the Practice of Loving Kindness
New Class Forming - This series of classes provides all the foundational elements to begin, maintain and deepen your meditation practice.