Obstacles to Decluttering
Recently, I asked the Declutter with Mindfulness class what they thought were the things they were doing or not doing that were contributing to the accumulation of clutter in their home. Here are some of the things they identified.
Getting distracted
Collecting things
Attaching to things
Procrastinating and finding excuses
Not putting things away
Difficulty with motivation
Feeling overwhelmed and anxious
One habit that creates clutter is delaying decisions or actions. Some key decisions.
To keep this item or let it go?
To give this item a home
To put it away
The antidote is being able to make joyful decisions aligned with our authentic self that we can stand by. The actual process of tidying involves making many micro decisions while connecting to your ‘felt’ sense in your body of what sparks joy. It is like training your decision-making muscle. It is also honing your discernment for the energy of joy and discovering your unique intrinsic preferences. Once you have applied this to all of your belongings then a confident discernment develops which can then be applied to making many other decisions in your life beyond the physical items in your home.
This is what I have discovered is one of the real benefits, beyond a tidy home, of decluttering with mindfulness.
Decluttering is not just about organizing our physical space; it's a journey of self-discovery and mindful living. By embracing the principles of enough-ness, awareness, inner clarity, and stewardship, we can experience lasting transformation and live more authentically aligned lives.