How Do I Change My Behavior?
Learn how to change your behavior. Uncover the secrets behind your motivation to change, unlock the stages of change, and learn how to make behavior changes that last.

Ho’oponopono Mantra and It’s Hidden Power
The Ho'oponopono Mantra is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique with hidden powers to transform our lives. Learn more about how you can apply this healing mantra to transform your life.

How do you use Ho’oponopono to have a better life?
Ho’oponopono sets us free from the past so that we can consciously create a better life. It does this by cleansing and purifying the memories of past experiences that have been the cause of our negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves.

How to Use Ho’oponopono to Heal your Body
Learn how you can use Ho’oponopono to heal your body of discomfort, illness, pain or other feelings arising within you at any time, in any place.

Guided Sleep Meditations
Approximately one third of the world population experience insomnia each year. Our guided sleep meditations will help you relax and move into a deeper and more restful sleep.

Guided Meditations for Healing
We all have enormous potential and capacity to heal ourselves. Our guided healing meditations will help open the door to your own innate ability to work with the process of healing.

How to Get a Great Nights Sleep and Wake Up with Energy
There are many benefits to a good nights sleep. Here are some tips to sleep better, based on a mixture of research, complementary medicine techniques and experience.

Book review: How to Say Yes When Your Body Says No by Dr. Lee Jampolsky
Say yes to healing during tough health challenges. A review of Dr. Lee Jampolsky life changing book - How to Say Yes When Your Body Says No.

How Guided Imagery Helps Our Emotions, Mind and Body
Guided Imagery is a powerful tool that we can employ to enlist our brain’s capacity to react to what it believes is occurring. Learn how guided imagery reduces stress and increases your overall sense of well-being.