The Ho’oponopono Legend and Cleaning the Programming of the Past
In this class we share a brief overview of “The Ho’oponopono Legend” – a most inspiring story of a therapist by the name of Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD, who miraculously healed patients.

The Four Contemplations that Turn the Mind
The Four Contemplations of the mind are the four basic tenants of Buddhism.

Bite-Sized Buddhism
Bite-Sized Buddhism introduces several Buddhist concepts in a relatable way, including Refuge, Loving Kindness, Compassion, and more.

Way of the Bodhisattva
The Way of the Bodhisattva is a short series of classes that highlight the essential elements of the Buddhist path.

How to Meditate - Simple Steps to Develop a Successful Meditation Practice
In this How to Meditate class, Theresa will present and guide you through several key topics for becoming successful in your meditation practice.

The Noble Eightfold Path
Learn what the Buddhist’s Noble Eightfold Path is and how to incorporate each practice into your normal day-to-day life.

Introduction to Mindfulness
A series of Mindfulness and Meditation practices which are a step-by-step means of letting drop stressful and distracting thoughts and emotions, listening increasingly deeply within and being open and receptive to discovery.

Healing the Body with Ho’oponopono
Learn how to use the Ho’oponopono technique to help heal the body of discomfort, illness, pain and other feelings that may be arising.

Living Life with No Regrets
In this Ho’oponopono class, we explore the areas of our life where we have “unfinished business”. Any conflicts that are unresolved, people in our lives with whom we are not at peace, things that have not been said are all cause for regrets, that stand in our way of living a life of happiness and joy.

Loving Yourself Through Ho’oponopono Class
Loving yourself may seem very difficult, but you deserve to feel loved, especially to feel loved by yourself. In this class we take time to consider what self-love really is, where it originates and what causes us to turn our back upon it.