How Can I Stop Thinking When I Meditate?
Learn why it is so difficult to stop thinking during meditation and how to relax and quiet the mind during meditation.

How do you use Ho’oponopono to have a better life?
Ho’oponopono sets us free from the past so that we can consciously create a better life. It does this by cleansing and purifying the memories of past experiences that have been the cause of our negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves.

Meditation for Children: Why its Important and How to Encourage Meditation
Today more than ever children need to learn the skill of turning inward via meditation. This article explores the benefits of meditation for children and includes ways to encourage your child to meditate.

What Can Help Me Meditate?
The answer to the question, “What can help me meditate?” depends on the issue you are trying to work through. There are as many problems and obstacles as there people who practice, but there is a “root” problem that gives rise to your special issue or challenge.

How to Use Ho’oponopono to Heal your Body
Learn how you can use Ho’oponopono to heal your body of discomfort, illness, pain or other feelings arising within you at any time, in any place.

How Can I Nurture Myself?
Self-nurturing often gets forgotten as we attempt to fulfill everyone else’s needs. Try this simple self nurturing technique today.

How Do I Stop Anxiety in my Head?
How do I stop the anxiety in my head? A great place to begin is with the practice of Mindfulness Meditation and guided imagery.

Does God Meditate?
Does God meditate? When I first heard the question, I thought, “What would I have to say to that?” As I contemplated the question, I found my thoughts focusing on meditation as a creative process.

Simple Ways to Practice Self Care
Self-care is an aspect of daily life that is often forgotten, and perhaps neglected. Do you find yourself putting your own needs last? Here is a list of 10 simple self care practices to try.

How to Meditate Series
A new series that covers the many considerations that go into starting a meditation practice. It provides an excellent summary and overview of topics covered in many of our classes and offerings on meditation.

Learning to Swim
Eknath Easwaran paints a beautiful picture of how swimming can help us understand the process for training our minds through the practice of meditation.

Here’s what people are saying about their experience with meditation…
We would like to share with you, comments from many of our class participants. Read testimonials from people who have attended our classes and see how meditation has made a difference in their lives.

Benefits of Meditation Discussion
At a recent Rainbow Terraces Meditation class, participants were invited to share their experience with the practice of meditation and relate the benefits they received. These comments from the participants are being shared here in the hope of inspiring others.

Understanding the Power of Meditation
This blog article highlights the power of meditation. What I find most interesting is that while the study cited in the article focused on Tibetan monks and the ways their brains differed from non-meditators, their research revealed that people who recently began to meditate regularly also had significant improvement in overall brain health and benefits.

Meditation and the Practice of Loving Kindness
New Class Forming - This series of classes provides all the foundational elements to begin, maintain and deepen your meditation practice.

The Benefits of Meditation
Here is the first article of a series on meditation, what it is, why it is beneficial and suggestions on how to do it. This first article focuses on the benefits of meditation.