Our Prayer is for Peace, Unity and Understanding
Now more than ever we are being called to stand as a centre of light within our world. To resist the temptation to circum to the negative emotions that cause us to retreat in fear, to judge others, to blame, to criticise, etc.
In this class, and through the accompanying meditation, we take the opportunity to explore all the different aspects of life that are triggering us within our world, to call them forth and allow our own natural reactions to rise up, to see them for what they are and then to clean these reactive patterns through the powerful ancient Hawaiian healing technique, Ho’oponopono. The Ho'oponopono mantra is a transformative technique utilising the energies of forgiveness, love and gratitude to bring us to a place of Inner Peace and Unity.
The reactive patterns that we experience are representative of many, many people within humanity, and as we clean these within ourselves through Ho'oponopono, bringing all aspects of our being into Unity, we realise that we are actually creating an opportunity to bring Peace, Unity and Understanding to others within our world. We begin to see through the pain and suffering, the wars and conflicts to the intrinsic goodness within our own heart and at the heart of all beings.
With all that is going on in our world at the moment it is very important for us to learn, to grow and to evolve through these experiences and stand tall for what we believe in. Not imposing our will upon others, but standing tall in the light of truth, stepping into the light of who we are. To radiate truth in every word we speak, every action we take, no agenda.
A beautiful Prayer for Peace is included below the recording of the class and meditation.
Press play (on image above) to listen to this class and guided meditation. Let us know what you think, by leaving a comment below.
The Peace Prayer
Let us pray that strength and courage abundant be given
to all who work for a world of reason and understanding;
That the good that lies in every man’s heart
may day by day be magnified;
That men will come to see more clearly
not that which divides them,
but that which unites them;
That each hour may bring us closer to a final victory,
not of nation over nation,
but of men over his own errors and weaknesses;
That the true spirit of mankind – its joy, its beauty, its hope,
may live among us;
That the blessings of peace be ours – the peace to build and grow,
to live in harmony and sympathy with others,
and to plan for the future with confidence..
Download a copy of the Peace Prayer to print.
Be sure to visit our Peace Offerings page for more inspiration for cultivating peace.
The Dalai Lama is a tremendous inspiration for upliftment during troubling times, periods of distress and uncertainty. We offer here a short compilation of quotes on Peace from HH Dalai Lama. Please enjoy!