Reiki – A Powerful Gift for any Child
Have you ever wondered how you can nurture your child’s inner journey, inspire their creativity, empower their gifts, skills, and talents, help them manage their stress, anxiety, and worry, regulate their emotions, enable their healing potential, and give them a gift for life? Once a child is empowered with the Reiki energy, they can choose to use it whenever they find a need, at any time in their life. It truly is a gift that keeps on giving.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a hands on healing modality for the 21st Century, so simple anyone from 6 years to 96 years old can learn. After receiving the Reiki attunements and following a simple set of hand positions on the body, the healing energy can assist with any need a person might have.
Our next Children’s Reiki Class is Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October 2023. Click for Details
What Happens in a Children’s Reiki Class
A two day drop off class, blending a unique mixture of the Reiki teachings passed down through our Lineage with meditation, drawing, activity and music, Sue (Reiki Master/Teacher) and the team recognise that making exploration fun, empowers Children to recognise their innate ability to create a graceful and magical way of living and healing for themselves, their world and for those around them.
The Children share and hear stories, receive Reiki Empowerments, and are encouraged to draw after their meditations, to help them discover what might be inside them, waiting to bubble up... The class is full of fun, enquiry, and opportunity for Healing.
“We are all born naturally connected to our source and like the Children of today some of us will forget or had forgotten this ‘connection’. Reiki rekindles the memory while the fine tuning/ initiation ensures that it remains in our hearts, minds and hands forever, allowing the creation of a graceful and magical way of being and living for all humanity.”
– Sue Hill, Children’s Reiki Master
What the Children Say about Reiki…
The last Reiki Class for Children at the Usui Reiki Centre, Camberwell, Melbourne, Australia, was a small intimate class of 5 children aged between 7yo and 11yo. The kids enjoyed meditations, learning about Reiki, sharing stories, and being empowered with this incredible healing energy, a gift that will remain with them for life. Below are some thoughts from kids who took the class...
Xavier is 11 years old.
“I’m the 3rd generation in my family to have Reiki hands. It’s a really special connection I have with them.”
He shares a little about his experience of the Reiki class.
"I met many new friends. I loved having the Reiki train (children sitting in a row with hands on each other's shoulders) because you got to connect with other people."
"I loved the drawing activities and the kind Reiki teachers."
Xavier’s mother asked him. What is helpful about having Reiki?
"You can heal yourself if you are feeling down or are hurt. And you can Reiki your loved ones and your pets!"
Frances and Ashley, 7 year old twins have this to say about Reiki.
Frances - " Reiki makes me feel calm and happy"
Ashley - " Reiki makes me feel calm and makes me feel sleepy. Reiki wasn't made, it just is"
They love to give Reiki to their Grandma and can’t wait to reconnect with their friends, practice Reiki and learn more at our Children’s Reiki Follow up Sessions.
Devyn is 13 years old and took Reiki 2 years ago. He says...
"I love that whenever I am worried or stressed or feeling sick I can just put my hands on my stomach and relax and feel better. I love how it is in my hands, right there, just ready to go, and I can put my hands on my stomach and feel better and not have to take any medicine. It's helped me manage my anxiety, and even if I couldn't take all the pain away when my stomach felt sick, it calmed me enough so I could relax, and then the pain could go away."
Ruby, now 18 years old shares a little bit about her journey with Reiki.
“I have been learning and practicing Reiki since I was 6, over 12 years ago, and have found it a calming constant among the rising stressors of life. It is always reassuring to know that I have this ability to become more mindful of my surroundings and inner self at just the tip of my fingertips, especially when most of my mind is preoccupied with tests and exams. Over the past few years I have volunteered occasionally to support the beginner children’s classes and have found it immensely rewarding to see from an outside perspective how my own Reiki journey started.”
Ruby’s beautiful connection to herself, enables her to be an insightful and supportive mentor to younger children taking the Reiki classes.
A parent’s perspective
“My journey with Reiki began when I was pregnant with my daughter and took the Reiki 1 class with John Crundall and Ellen Rose. The gift of having Reiki in my hands while caring for my newborn baby and throughout all my children’s lives has been so precious and empowering. When my daughter was 5, she attended Reiki for children with Sue Hill and the incredibly dedicated team of volunteers. This has ensured and strengthened her connection with her own inner being and the ability to attune to her intuitive guidance. It was so powerful for her to have Reiki in her hands and have tools to respond with natural compassion and offer healing, in response to any suffering in her world. Small loving hands offering mummy Reiki when I was tired or grumpy always brought tears to my eyes. As my daughter grew, she attended follow up classes and as a teen became a Reiki for children team volunteer, offering a wonderful bridge between the adults and the children in a group. This experience has given her valuable wise mentorship for her continued growth and development into a wholehearted, passionate, and generous young woman.”
- Justine (Parent)
Upcoming Children’s Reiki Class
The next Childrens Reiki Class, for children 6-13 years old, is being held at the Usui Reiki Centre for Natural Healing, Camberwell, Australia on: Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October 2023. We invite you to join us.
Click for Class Details
We also offer Reiki classes for Children in Queensland Australia, in Toronto Canada and California USA, wherever there is a group of Children calling for a class.
To register for a class or find out more, please visit our website:
Recommended Children’s Meditations
My Beautiful Heart - a beautiful meditation for children to help them relax and reconnect with themselves and discover the magic of their own heart.
Kindness Meditation for Children - helps a child to remember what it feels like when someone is kind towards them and encourages them to be kind to others.
Shine like the Sun Meditation - children's meditation on loving kindness that encourages a child to spread loving kindness, by shining like the sun!
Children can learn to use Reiki to nurture themselves and others. Read full article for details plus read what children had to say after taking a Reiki class.